Why Friend People on Facebook That You Dont Know

Nosotros all similar friends but from a business point of view having more Facebook friends tin be a real do good. I have 3008 friends and counting. The prissy thing most this is that I get at least 2 or 3 friends request per twenty-four hours as they see me on their friends profile and wonder who I am. They check out my profile and remember yeah, i'd similar to exist friends with this guy. And then how did I get to 2708 friends?


1. Don't Exist a Sell Out

dont be a slee out

If you attempt and sell to people they will exercise one of iii things, unfriend you, block you or study you. The last two are things that volition become y'all banned and then you accept to either beg to exist put dorsum on or kickoff over.

Being real volition go you lot more than Facebook friends it is that simple. Lets think about how yous apply Facebook, would you add together someone who is all almost selling or is just a picture of a girl with big boobs only seems to post a lot virtually Viagra?

By being yourself you will connect with people who really connect with you. 2222 friends is bang-up only how many of them really connect with me? The reply is x% and of those, how many book on a web blueprint course, once more effectually 10%. These figures are actually quite expert as they repeat each month. The simply way I can do this is past not selling out and being real when it matters.

ii. Connect With People

connect with people

If you lot see someone commenting or liking something that you lot do, then connect with them. People want to talk to people then it'southward best to kickoff off a conversation earlier yous friends request, then you will have more chance of making that person into a new friend. The second benefit is that by making a new friend that persons contacts will encounter who they but befriended, from there they may wonder who their best mate became friends with and if you are worth knowing (see particular x) then you will get a friends requests.

To connect with people wait out for topics that yous are interested in or that are relevant to what y'all do. e.g. "I am starting a online graphic design course tomorrow" then that is your risk to comment and connect. My answer might be something like "

I like online courses for learning specific things but when it comes to bringing information technology all together I ever prefer a teacher I can talk to and ask questions, which site did you choose to learn online?

At present there are three parts to my reply, one. agree/disagree with their point, ii. give your own opinion and 3, ask a question. I find this works every time and allows me to connect to someone with but a few letters rather than me hounding them to be my friend.

3. Don't Practise Same Same

same same

If you sell clothes or run public speaking seminars don't harp on about them. Likewise if y'all're into something information technology does not hateful everybody else volition be. If you keep going on nigh something you can imagine how annoying that tin be. Now this also ways when you have a new product launch don't go through all the groups and fan pages and put the same text as this will appear as a long aforementioned same list on your profile. Someone looking at your profile will only see ten or so posts withal "how boring, he must only be using Facebook to sell, where is the unfriend link".

I vary everything I do on Facebook, I tell people when I am having bad day, I wish my friends happy birthday, I mail service upward funny pictures and I let people know that a new course is starting this weekend if anyone is interested permit me know.

I know what you are thinking, "I am a busy person, I don't have time to share my life on Facebook". Well luckily it is not almost the quantity on Facebook information technology is all nigh the quality. Then mail service when y'all want or when something important has happened or volition happen. If you are not a social person don't try to exist, only be yourself and vary it a fleck.

4. Join Groups

Join groups

I am a fellow member of 55+ groups, now that is not to say I take office in every group equally often they start-upward and fizzle out quickly. At that place is actually an art finding the practiced groups to bring together. When looking for groups I first see if they are relevant and am I interested in interacting with it'southward members. Then I wait at the wall, is the group active? With two yes'southward under my belt I hit join and then I am in.

Once part of a group take a wait at the conversations going on and come across if you can anything of worth. When you lot respond to a persons comment and yous go a dialogue going y'all can then check out their profile and hit friends request. Because they know you from the group they are more than inclined to say yeah.

A more direct manner is but doing a friends request and adding a person note like "Hiya, we are both members of the international ninja stamp collectors group, idea I would say hi". If you are friendly, relevant and yous share a group with the person you take more risk of the person clicking Confirm.

5. Invite Your Contacts


If you are new to Facebook then upload your contacts and Facebook will do the remainder. To do this yous will need to become a .csv file of all your contacts . In Outlook you merely export, Gmail you lot get to contacts and expect for export in the settings carte du jour, Hotmail is the aforementioned and if you are on Mail for the Mac then follow these instructions.

A word of warning, don't do this with a bought listing or an consign of your customers. They demand to be friends, if you lot don't have a list of your friends then but do not do this. Y'all want a quality set of friends not just a big number. My 2222 friends is getting smaller as it is bigger as I am deleting people who don't interact with me.

6. Get-go a Fan Page


Nosotros currently accept ane,225 people who like our Web Courses Fan Page, of those 668 are my friends, then estimate what I am slowly doing? I am contacting those potential new friends with a friendly open message like "Hullo, i'thousand Carl from Spider web Courses, cheers for liking our page. Are yous interested in Web and Graphic design or are you a designer already?" If I am not mistaken I have a 100% friends request approval rate with this message from the people on the fan page.

Advantages of a Fan Page

Can be seen by Google, not hidden behind a profile. Do be careful that your fan page does not out rank your ain website though.

  • A great source of interaction with your users. We oftentimes post our own articles on there (this one included)
  • Yous can inquire questions. This is an under rated phenomena and can be so useful due east.1000. "what practice you call back of our new logo?" or "exercise you remember people will like this new design". You will exist making your questions relevant to your business concern just getting opinions can really steer you in the right direction.
  • Fan pages can be added to your website, if people enter your site and they are logged into Facebook they volition run into a list of the friends smiling away proverb "dude where have you been, we already like this page, you should as well"
  • Fan pages come with insights telling you who is interacting with your page, male to female person ratio and you will receive regular updates in your e-mail.

7. Find Things in Common

more facebook friends

When you are looking for more than Facebook friends exist sure to await past the pretty pic and wait at what they have been liking, talking well-nigh, commenting on, groups they are part of and pictures they have posted. You can get a actually good idea about a persons likes and habits from their wall posts and news feed. Find something that y'all share in common and contact them most that. For example, "I studied AiKiDo in France before coming to Thailand, how long accept you been learning AiKiDo?" or "I saw y'all like collecting rare post cards, do y'all have the Justice Bhalla's rare postcard collection?"

Retrieve about this from their betoken of view, they get a friend asking from someone they don't know, they want to know if there is a reason to know this person, if you share a common interest you take much more alter of making a real friend.

When you make a friend and yous share your common interests, you interact and conversation for a while when you exercise come to mention about your businesses product or service they will be more inclined to click/like/share/comment.

viii. How to exercise a Friends Asking

more facebook friends

  1. Expect around your friends friends, group members, fans of the aforementioned page
  2. Find a person you remember will be a proficient friend/connection
  3. Look at their info and check if they are in the same city/area (for me this is important as we run a Online Marketing Courses in Bangkok not Toronto Canada and I would like to actually meet the person in the flesh one day every bit that gives more of a chance to connect with them.)
  4. Find mutual interests, this can be with their likes, favorites or even where they studied. This is all on their info panel (assuming they have this accessible by non-friends)
  5. Hit friends request and add a relevant bulletin.

You demand to exist real, interesting and friendly or people will not like your friends request. Be sure that you also prune your friend list every at present and and then. This is for 2 reasons, to go along a list that is active and only of people you actually interact with and if y'all mention y'all are pruning your listing it makes the people remaining on the listing after the choose feel more special.

Of import: when people accept your request or request to be your friend on Facebook, make certain you add them to relevant lists early. I wish I had done this much sooner every bit it is a very useful tool. With lists you tin invite specific people to events and pages as well every bit contacting them as a group. Sectionalisation of contacts is super so be sure to do it.

9. Run an Event

more facebook friends

We used to run events here in Bangkok called Startup Weekend Education ASEAN, lots of fun and our events folio were filled with comments and interactions. Running an event such as a see upwards volition requite you an excuse to invite all your friends, if they say they are attending others will see this. This is your que to get in touch on and events give y'all that chance to put a face to a profile.

10. Be Worth Knowing

more facebook friends

I can't stress this plenty which is why I left it until last. If you are a corporate whore nobody will desire to know yous. Who cares if your new skin foam is the all-time affair since slide bread, or your new sprocket has more range of motion than the Russsian Olympic Gymnastic Team. People want to connect with people within a social network that facilitates existent connections through mutual interests. If your Facebook profile is just almost sales and not nearly being a real person then forget everything you have just read as none of it matters. You lot have to exist worth knowing or people volition not have discover of you lot.

Being worth knowing is not about existence the cool kid, nor is it about being a party brute or prolific poet. Information technology is almost being a existent person and sharing what you lot want nearly your life, merely enough to connect to others. A good way to be worth knowing and making more than Facebook friends is past existence yourself not your concern.

What To Do When You Brand a New Friend

more facebook friends

So x steps down your list will be growing with every day, what do you do now? When y'all brand a new friend give thanks them! Information technology is a simple deed of kindness to say "thanks for letting me into your life". Now y'all need to make certain they don't regret that or forget you. Go on the connections going by outset posting on their wall something like "Thanks for adding me as a friend [insert proper name here to arrive personal] i'm Carl from Web Courses (slight name drop). So did you manage to go to Badminton the other dark?" I always practice this with every new friend and it really helps. At least I get to know if they are the type to really answer or not, if they are…

And then just continue to keep in touch with them. One way to do this is make sure your news feed shows everyone and not merely the people you regularly keep in contact with. To do this go to your news feed, click on the status, a padlock will announced, click information technology and then select everyone. This style y'all volition see what anybody on your list is proverb and you keep in contact.

Every at present and then mention your product or service, run and result and make sure you continue your fan page filled with interesting content like pictures, articles, events and stuff that makes people want to like you more.

Oh and by the style, since writing this I have gained a few more than Facebook friends every bit yous tin see

Facebook Marketing Course

more facebook friends

Our Online Marketing Course covers Facebook Marketing in detail and you will learn how to best interact with your users to bulldoze more sales and visitors to your website. The grade covers how to install Facebook on your site and how linking all your social networks together tin heave your website in Google in a affair of weeks.

Why Friend People on Facebook That You Dont Know

Source: https://webcoursesbangkok.com/more-facebook-friends/

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