Your baby is decorated cultivating real-life tricks like sucking, breathing and swallowing.

Your Infant at Calendar week 32

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At most 4 pounds and 16 to 19 inches long, your baby is curled up in, well, the fetal position. After all, there'due south non much room left at this item inn. Not to worry, though. She's totally comfy in there — even if you're non quite comfortable out here.

Equally your babe hunkers downwardly in your bunker to ride out the last few weeks of gestation, she's probably settling into the most common birthing position: caput down, lesser up. Anatomically it makes sense — she'southward maximizing what little space she has by dropping her head into the lesser of your inverted pear-shaped uterus. Information technology'due south also natural since baby'due south edible bean is heavier than her tiny tush.

With only 8 more than weeks to go, your decorated bee is gearing up for life outside the womb. Those animate movements she's been practicing? Well, they're near perfect at present, changing from the short staccato bursts of merely 10 seconds long to a more regular and rhythmic pattern that'll somewhen churn out 40 breaths per minute — the normal rate of a newborn.

These breathing lessons serve another purpose every bit well, encouraging the lungs to produce more than surfactant — the protein that'll help the lungs aggrandize after birth and that is essential for salubrious lung development.

Reinforcements for the monumental task of producing surfactant come from another source, besides. The adrenal glands, located on top of the kidneys, are difficult at working starting to pump out cortisol, which will in turn help stimulate more surfactant production. These workhorse glands are producing 10 times the amount of cortisol a normal adult produces…pretty amazing for someone then small!

Meanwhile, lanugo is continuing to shed, leaving only modest patches of fuzz on the shoulders and back. Fingernails accept grown almost long enough to be in need of a trim, merely they're even so pretty soft. Baby might non need a mini-manicure only however, but there'southward no reason why you shouldn't care for yourself to one while you lot still have fourth dimension. A pedicure, as well — after all, bet you can't see your toes.

At a Glance

Infant organs are fully formed

All your baby's major organs are fully adult at present, except for the lungs. Then even if yous gave birth this calendar week, your little i would probably do just fine.

Breathing practice

Your babe inhales amniotic fluid to practise using those lungs.

Peel changes

Bye-cheerio, see-through baby! This week, your niggling bean's pare is now opaque instead of transparent.

32 weeks pregnant is how many months?

If you're 32 weeks pregnant, you're in month 8 of your pregnancy. Only one month left to go! All the same have questions? Here's some more information on how weeks, months and trimesters are broken downward in pregnancy.

How big is my baby at 32 weeks?

What'south upward with your baby? She's starting to get ready for her big debut, tipping the scales at three½to iv pounds and topping out at 15 to 17 inches.

Baby'due south prepping for birth

In these past few weeks, it'south all about practice, practice, practice every bit she hones the skills she'll need to thrive outside the womb — from swallowing and animate to kicking and sucking. In apprehension of that momentous transition to mouth feeding, your baby'due south digestive arrangement is all prepare and ready to get.

And though y'all're weeks away from your due date, your babe'southward looking more and more like a newborn: Equally fat accumulates under her skin, it's no longer transparent and is now opaque.

Fetal position: head down or breech?

At 32 weeks pregnant, you lot're probable feeling tapping and squirming instead of your baby'southward signature rocking and rolling. That's because, while comfortable, your baby is a bit tight for exercise infinite right now — she's actually back to a curled-up position (y'all endeavour standing up in those cramped quarters!).

Between 32 and 38 weeks, your baby will as well probably settle into the head-down, bottoms-upward presentation in your pelvis in preparation for birth. That'due south because the fetus' caput fits better at the bottom of your inverted, pear-shaped uterus, plus it's easier during childbirth if your baby comes out caput start.

Fewer than 5 percent of babies adopt the bottom-downwards (or breech) position by full-term — then don't worry if your little edible bean hasn't assumed the head-down position yet. There's still a good chance she'll flip earlier birth, even in the tight confines of your uterus.

Baby's sleep cycles

And speaking of the big 24-hour interval, promise yous're resting upward for it because your bambino certainly is. In preparation for that commencement date with you, your infant is sleeping like a baby with regular sleep and wake cycles.

Your Trunk at Calendar week 32

baby size at 32 weeks pregnant

Braxton Hicks contractions

This week, your torso may start prepping for commitment mean solar day by flexing its muscles...literally. If you feel your uterus tightening or hardening periodically, those are Braxton Hicks contractions — irregular practice contractions that are showtime felt around mid-pregnancy and increment in frequency and forcefulness as things progress.

These prelabor rehearsals are a warm-up for the real matter and are typically experienced before and with more than intensity in women who've been pregnant before. In fact, many novice moms-to-exist don't notice them as much.

They experience like a tightening sensation that begins at the top of your uterus and then spreads downward, lasting from 15 to 30 seconds, though they tin can sometimes concluding as long equally two minutes.

How do you know they aren't real labor? They'll stop if you alter position, and then attempt getting up if y'all're lying downwardly or walking if y'all've been sitting. If they are real labor contractions, they'll become progressively stronger and more than regular — so in that case, put in a call to your practitioner. In the meantime, when they're just the practice kind, endeavour taking a warm bath to help with the discomfort.

Ultrasound photos

Ultrasound is a tried-and-true prenatal tool — and a window into the wonderful world of your womb — but this procedure has taken a giant leap from the confines of a doctor's office to a storefront at the mall, with 3D- or 4D-ultrasounds. Is it condom to take a peek within your tummy on the manner to the mall?

The Food and Drug Assistants (FDA) warns against having ultrasounds for fun equally opposed to getting them for medical reasons. That's because the three-dimensional imaging machines and procedures can expose your babe to more heat and for a longer fourth dimension than the ultrasound machines at your physician'due south office.

Plus, many medical professionals say that only qualified technicians should perform the ultrasound and fearfulness that nervous momshoped-for will come away mistakenly convinced at that place'south something wrong with their baby. If you're still interested in an elective sonogram, make sure to cheque with your practitioner for the go-alee.

Pregnancy Symptoms Week 32


Your growing uterus is cramping your bowels, making them sluggish and irregular. Become some regular exercise — anything helps, from brisk walks to prenatal yoga — and drink up! Read More than

Leg cramps

Just as yous're ready to drift off to dreamland yous may feel a painful spasm in your calves — though no ane is quite sure what causes the pain or why it'south worse at night. Ane theory: There's a lack of calcium and magnesium in your diet. Ask your practitioner if taking an extra calcium supplement is a good idea and be certain you're devouring your daily dose of dairy — bring on the cheese and yogurt! Read More

Faintness or dizziness

Feeling faint or low-cal-headed tin exist a result of whatsoever number of things, including low blood saccharide. Don't forget to behave a protein-and-carb-rich snack in your bag to munch on when you feel dizzy. Granola confined, trail mix or soy fries are a great selection and may continue light-headedness at bay. Read More


Hemorrhoids, which are actually varicose veins in the rectum, tin can literally be a hurting in the rear, specially if you spend a lot of time sitting. Ice packs or witch hazel can soothe, every bit tin can warm baths. Read More

Colostrum (leaky breasts)

Every bit your breasts get bigger in the tertiary trimester, they may also leak a yellowish fluid chosen colostrum, which is the precursor to chest milk. This liquid, packed with poly peptide and antibodies, is the first milk your baby will go. If the leaks are getting uncomfortable, try wearing nursing pads. Read More

Itchy breadbasket and peel

That swelling belly is getting itchier and itchier, as the skin stretches and dries out. If slathering on creams and moisturizers doesn't aid, try calamine or some other type of anti-crawling lotion that soothes more than stubborn cases. Or add oatmeal to your bath and take a soak in warm — not hot — h2o. Read More

Tips for You This Week

Write downwardly your dreams

Go along a dream periodical! Your night visions may be extra trippy these days, cheers to pregnancy hormones.

Pregnancy dreams and daydreams tend to peak during the 3rd trimester as sleep is more disrupted and you may increasingly observe yourself imagining what life with a new baby will be like.

Don't stress over stretch marks

Effort non to obsess about stretch marks. Information technology'southward estimated that up to 90 percent of women become them, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), and then you lot're in fantastic company!

Over time, stretch marks gradually fade away on their ain. And look on the brilliant side: They're a sign your baby is growing beautifully.

Acquire early on labor signs

Unless you've gone into labor before, y'all're probably wondering how yous'll know your labor symptoms are the real thing.

Acquire the signs of labor in case it's not obvious: contractions coming regularly and at closer intervals, menstruum-similar cramps, vaginal bleeding or spotting, a constant dull backache, diarrhea and a tightening feeling in your uterus. Your h2o might even break before you lot get to the hospital, though don't count on that!

Snack away

With your big uterus crowding your insides, you may find your appetite waning now — shocking! Try to swallow regular, small snacks, like a bite of a banana with almond butter, or hummus and whole wheat crackers, instead of big meals.

Help plan your baby shower

Want to help throw yourself a virtual or traditional babe shower? These events take looked very dissimilar due to COVID-19 protocols (though things are getting dorsum to normal in a lot of places), simply yous can get the party started by talking to a close friend or relative almost acting as a host.

Before you transport out invitations, create a baby registry — this way, your guests will know what to give yous. Skip some of the big-ticket items, such as cribs and strollers, and instead ask for things like onesies, bibs, blankets and other babe-care essentials.

Moisturize ofttimes

Feeling kind of crocodilian? Another side effect of your expanding trunk — and that belly that just keeps on going and going — is dry, itchy peel.

Hither'due south one good soothing strategy: Moisturize early and often. Considering your skin is all the same extra sensitive these days, expect for moisturizers that have no dyes or perfumes and apply them when your skin is notwithstanding damp to trap wet in.

Other tips? Wear lightweight cotton clothes that will allow your peel to exhale, switch to a dye-and-perfume-free detergent and soak in an oatmeal bathroom.

Exercise pelvic tilts

Your pelvis is crucial to a smooth pregnancy and delivery, and then treat it well. One style to strengthen your pelvis is to exercise pelvic tilts regularly. These easy exercises, which you can practise anywhere, tin can help strengthen your abs, soothe backaches during pregnancy and labor, and make commitment go more than smoothly.

Now that you're in your third trimester, tilts should exist washed in a continuing position — and then detect the nearest wall. To practice a standing pelvic tilt, stand up up straight and relax your spine. Animate in securely, press the small of your back against the wall. Exhale, and and so repeat for about v minutes.

From the What to Wait editorial squad and Heidi Murkoff, author ofWhat to Wait When Y'all're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we continue our content authentic and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Wait When You're Expecting, 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  •, Pelvic Tilt Exercises During Pregnancy, September 2018.
  •, Dry Skin During Pregnancy, Nov 2020.
  •, x Signs of Labor, June 2021.
  •, Are Pregnancy Sex Dreams Normal? 10 Common Pregnancy Dreams and What They Might Mean, March 2020.
  •, Stretch Marks During and After Pregnancy, Apr 2021.
  •, How to Make an Oatmeal Bathroom, June 2021.
  •, Best Salubrious Pregnancy Snacks to Satisfy Your Cravings, June 2020.
  •, Baby Registry Checklist: Exactly What to Put on a Infant Registry, July 2020.
  •, Infant Shower Etiquette, July 2018.
  • American Academy of Dermatology, Stretch Marks: Why They Appear and How to Go Rid of Them, 2021.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, How to Tell When Labor Begins, May 2020.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, If Your Baby Is Breech, January 2019.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Preterm Labor and Nativity, March 2021.
  • American Higher of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Ultrasound Exams, June 2020.
  • Centers for Affliction Control and Prevention, H2o and Nutrition, Jan 2021.
  • Cleveland Clinic, Fetal Development: Stages of Growth, April 2020.
  • Nutrient and Drug Administration, Ultrasound Imaging, September 2020.
  • Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Incidence and Adventure Factors for Striae Gravidarum, October 2015.
  • Mayo Clinic, Fetal Evolution: The 3rd Trimester, June 2020.
  • Mayo Dispensary, Preterm Labor, Dec 2019.
  • Merck Manual, Aberrant Position and Presentation of the Fetus, Jan 2020.
  • National Institutes of Wellness, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Your Kidneys & How They Work, June 2018.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Your Digestive Organisation & How Information technology Works, December 2017.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Braxton Hicks Contractions, Jan 2021.
  • National Slumber Foundation, Pregnancy and Slumber, October 2020.
  • Sleep Medicine Reviews, Development of Fetal and Neonatal Sleep and Cyclic Rhythms, Baronial 2003.
  • U.S. Department of Wellness and Human being Services, Office on Women'due south Health, Stages of Pregnancy, April 2019.
  • UT Southwestern Medical Center, False Alarm: Braxton Hicks Contractions vs. True Labor, July 2016.
  • UT Southwestern Medical Middle, Why to Avoid 'Emblem' 3-D and four-D Ultrasounds, October 2016.

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